vendredi 3 janvier 2014

Unexpected Love

Dear Friend,
It's been centuries since my last blog, almost one year (posted the last one on the 20th of February 2013). I can still recall my surprise of being in the Year 2013 on the day I wrote that blog. And look at us now! It's already 2014 - twenty fourteen - MMXIV . Goodness gracious. Anyways, it's been a long time since I haven't talked to you my friend, and know that I have missed you a lot. Please do accept my apologies for not having written to you as much often as I should have. 

This past year has been a rough and tough one, but I'm very much thankful for 2013 because it was full of victories, joy, smile, and all the good things. And one of those "good things" that struck me the most, is the way I found love. It's like the last thing I'd expect to happen to me. But in some way, it did happen. 

I met her one beautiful October sunday, when she came at our church. She blew me away the first time I saw her. It was like all I could see was her. Yeah I know it kinda sounds like in the movies, but it did happen that way (okay, I'm a bit exaggerating! Hahaha). First time we talked, our "Hi/Hellos" were sent at the exact same time. And we laughed at the coincidence of our timing. But wait, coincidence? I think not. Hahaha. Since then, it's just a beautiful story that has begun. I found in her a friend I could laugh with, share my thoughts to, and enjoy every moment we spend together. I found in her what seemed to be the things that have been missing in my life. Perhaps, I found what I needed in her.

She's the kind of girl who is very relaxed, stress-free, always smiling, talkative person, very open. And yet when you get to know her up close, you discover a part (that in fact all of us hide) that is more personal, emotionally-driven. I have neglected a lot in describing her, but God knows what and how she is to me. And these are all the things that drew me closer to her, that got me attracted to her. These are the varieties of things that made me....fall in love with her. She got the thang that suddenly made my heart beat. Faster. And faster. Even faster. 

People may talk and say ish about us, but it doesn't matter to me at all, because what counts is the way I feel for her and the way we found happiness in being together. She's actually the best thing that had happened to me on the Year 2013. And therefore, I'm very much looking forward to seeing and living new adventures with her. Exciting moments to discover, experiences to be unfolded before us, and love to be tasted and lived over and over. The unexpected is very much expected this year. 

Yours truly,
J. Powers 

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